Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Mosque of Al-Nasir Muhammad

Al-Nasir Muhammad WAS A prolific builder Who Regné As Sultan of Egypt during three different periods. He BUILT SA Famous mosque advisors Citadel Third son and longest reign (AD 1309 by 1340). The Mosque of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad was the royal mosque in the liver and the Citadel of Cairo itself, this car is Here What Have the sultans of Cairo performed their Friday prayers, EXCEPT religious holidays, or Prayer of one held in the UN General Rally at the racetrack in the walls of the citadel. The mosque was large enough casting Contain No Less than Five Thousand Faithful. The main mosque of the east entrance just in front of the entrance to the courtyard of the Mosque of Muhammad Ali.
SINCE its foundation, the Citadel was always a mosque, and the mosque of Sultan al-Nasir, like most buildings that BUILT the Citadel, built on the site of a Summer former UN building. The mosque and early May Have Been A Ayyubid mosque congregation Maybe built by Saladin. There Was In The Citadel Mosques MORE BUT That of Sultan al-Nasir was the UN and the prestigious Cairo Up The original dome covered with green tiles in the nine bays maqsura (un Private Space In The Room prayer, usually surrounded Screen June Wood For The sovereign and his entourage) in front of the mihrab, Collapsed in the sixteenth century and a marble Summer Punches by the Ottoman conquerors.ACCORDING An inscription on the northern entrance, the mosque was founded in summer 1318, BUT ITS historical Maqrizi Stories Indicates he DEMOLISHED Summer and rebuilt on June larger scale in 1335.
However, the masonry Watch it BUILT Summer only, greater, and its roof REBUILT. Traces of the niche, most Early walled Outside indicate where the initial level was. This hypostyle mosque BUILT Is Like a rectangle up around a courtyard Regular With Big Dome Covering area prayer niche. THERE are three entries, do June on the East Side WITH LITTLE June cavity deep cranberry and Another on the northwest wall With A stalactite portal. Third east entrance on the south wall and east bow decorated arched UN, including the UN grounds sunrise IN ablaq masonry. No entries in June maksala e UN bench, making an exception to the rule in Cairo.
Unlike Many Other mosques in the city, with the exception of Al-Zahir Baybars, the facades of this mosque are not of paneled and have no decoration EXCEPT niche. Rather austere appearance East EXCEPT casting Both exotic minarets at the northeast corner and the northwest gate, Who are decorated with mosaics of blue and green tiles.
The situation of two minarets and two asymmetrically Located Portals are dictated by the orientation and location of the mosque, who is the face of the enclosure north of Citadel UN side, WITH ITS Official Buildings and Military, Residences and adjoins the Sultan to the west and south.
The son runs north minaret call to prayer pay officers and soldiers live there. The other minaret face-the palaces of sultans. The North East minaret The larger of the two, he could without doubt TO Be seen by the Residence Palace Certain away. The two minarets are built entirely of stone.
The conical minaret East Western With A carved IN A zigzag pattern deep shaft Who is vertical on the first story and the second horizontal. CES zigzag patterns Police Their first appearance around trees Egyptian minarets in this mosque. Its unique East Summit in Cairo. IT HAS NO Openings and Dispose A garlic bulb-shaped based on the UN conical ribbed cylinder. The structure of high-density upper Everything is covered with green, white and blue mosaic tiles As THOSE Let Find the Sabil al-Nasir attached to the madrasa built by the son of the Father, Qalawun. A Koranic inscription in mosaic tiles white band adorns the nick of the bulb.
This minaret Perpetua Tradition Cairote placer minarets Portals foundations. Its location at the western gate, Who was the ceremonial entrance of the apartments face the Sultan Explains the distinction SES trees De Celles Northeast minaret.The minaret at the northeast corner of the mosque form June Completely Different. Is the basis of rectangular and cylindrical Is the second story. Two of them are without sculpture. Its upper part Features UN hexagonal pavilion opened Who Supports the upper part of the structure Who is similar to the upper part of the western minaret. The two minarets Have ornate balconies parapets stone panels and carved arabesques Breakthroughs In the same technique Used casting make screens Sanjar. The niche Around the base of the Summit bulbous minaret of this ancient connue interest of this technique to the UN base of Dome Cairote experimentation.
It Is Reported a craftsman from Tabriz Came in Cairo under the reign of al-Nasir Muhammad and What is He Who BUILT Other minarets covered with tiles, as it was the fashion in Persia. Not only the technique of mosaic tiles, but also the shape of the bulb seem COME Tabriz. WE know OF A painting of the thirteenth century miniature What bulbs garlic shaped minaret Ørnes Mosques in the city of Tabriz.The two minarets aussi Have Another common characteristic Who distinguish them from all other Mamluk minarets. Is their base Below Level roof of the mosque. THIS served in Quebec when the roof of the mosque rebuilt after a Summer walls were facts in addition, the minarets were already-standing.

NOTE Quebec on the north wall of the mosque minaret in the East A small balcony not accessible inside the mosque stairs. Is his unknown function, but on may suppose that it was Intended for prayers ou addresses the overflow crowd in the Faithful Outside the mosque recitations.INSIDE THE MOSQUE suit SCHEME WITH MODEL hypostyle standards A rectangular courtyard SANCTUARY On qibla side and arcades surround Who ITS THREE OTHER sides.
In the mosque of the walls supported by arcades Have June Row Who Arched windows give the building of the United Nations special character. CES Windows must Have Been added when the roof of a summer raised. The openings allow serial reduce thrust Worn by arches, admit light and are ornamental SO. The segmental arches of the mosque are ablaq Composed of the same stone masonry, painted corn. The ceiling OVER ARCADE East and flat boxes with traces of blue decorations and bright silver SES visible alterations recall.The window around the yard Is the kind of bleachers, who differs from the Outer crenellation composed of rounded rectangles HEIGHTS WITH THOSE As the walls of the city and the Citadel. At the corners near the court Niche Four decorative structures are similar to mabkhara (censer) Summits minaret.
A special collection of pre-Islamic capitals crown the marble columns of the mosque. Two pairs of the Coptic Christian capitals at the main entrance are particularly interesting to. Their white marble carved Is With A Model basket. However, there are aussi capitals dating from Greek and Roman periods.The qibla wall of al-Nasir Muhammad Mosque showing the niche (mihrab) and the pulpit (minbar).
Originally, the mosque Had A Certain NUMBER large windows roasted iron Who Are Today walled. It aussi Summer paneled WITH marble dados Students Who Have Been then removed by Sultan Selim (the Grim) and shipped to Istanbul WITH geographical other marble palace. However, the wall of the qibla a Summer Completely restored.Level the ground inside the Citadel has increased, and the mosque Must Have Been the original Level A lot more pupil and accessible by UN stairs.
Like the al-Zahir Baybars, there is not the dome above the prayer niche, if it Is Much smaller and was covered with green tiles. Is the dome present modern. The Dome Is Worn by granite columns, THOSE As the citadel palace. THESE WERE taken Columns In Ancient Egyptian temples. As the transition zone Is Made of wood, on may Assume That the original dome, As Many Other Cairo, a summer Made of wood plastered. The transition zone itself consist of pendants carved with stalactites. THEY ON, concert band WITH registration referring to the Founder WERE painted and gilded.During the Mamluk more Tard tones Que see them Fallopian stalactites WERE rated supplanted a stalactite pendants. Pendants are triangles In The coins of the transition zone of UN dome Who Thrust Transfers to La Coupole parts Four Walls. The horns are arcs e shifts domes Who transfer the thrust in the middle of each of the four walls. When pendants Have Been Adopted, transition zone and had the appearance A continuous RING niches, like on SEES IN PREVIOUS Domes. In the absence of horns, not niches Uses Have Been In The transition zone, and the windows are of a like niches and Divided breakthroughs. A new style arched windows appears so. In the al-Nasir mosque Three Arched windows alternate WITH EACH pendant.The Al-Nasir Muhammad Another Interesting feature, dial OF A loggia LOCATED Above the northwest entrance, accessible by stairs Who LEADS roof. Maybe it IS not dikkat al-muballigh, As bench Columns in The Sanctuary Other Mosques Who Are Uses FOR call to prayer, reciting and reading the Koran.

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